The Wedding of Adam and Sara: A Mythic Love Story

The Wedding of Adam and Sara:
A Mythic Love Story


Last May 23rd was the fairy tale wedding of our Mythic Love Story. Adam is the Prince, I am the Princess (yes, yes, yes!!!!), and all our fears and mistrust take the role of the evil dragons and witches  we had to fight before he can rescue me on his majestic white horse.

“A Mythic Love Story is when a prince rescues a princess from the evil dragon of not being good enough, and then she rescues him right back.”

When Adam came to TierraMitica last August and stayed as volunteer after his Mythic Voyage, he didn’t want a relationship, he wanted to dedicate this time to himself, grow, learn, make himself proud, connect with the community and be happier and happier.

Me… yes, I was dreaming of my Man, the one that would see me, all of me, and would embrace all of it, the one that would choose me, me of all women on earth, that would make me feel precious, the one that would hold me, that would be my rock, make me feel at peace because I would trust him. The One.

But Adam came and at first I didn’t envision him in the role of my prince… at first! It took a few weeks of smiles, hugs, movies side by side, closer and closer, a dance, a discussion at the community table, and many little moments for the two of us to feel each other, meet each other, and feel the desire growing inside to share more and more with each other, enough to fight all the fears that were getting in the way. On my side I had not let my guard down since such a long time, I was just realizing that I had even forgotten, to that very moment, what true intimacy was, I had not allowed myself to fully open to a man since many many years. I was yearning for it, and protecting myself from it at the same time. Paradox. I couldn’t resist, I was seeing myself fall in love in slow motion, but I was terrified of it. Mikis gave Adam a challenge:  to write a love song for me. A song saying what he feels, for me and from me, and what he wants to live with me. The right song would be the one that makes me open my heart in trust. We had a Mythic Voyage coming, where I was assisting and Adam was part of the hosting team, and he was writing his song. I already knew he would get it right, I was feeling him, I was trusting him, he had already reached my heart in so many points, uncovering protective shells one after another… Yet it was a torture to wait for this moment to happen when he would finally sing. But he did! He sang to me with the whole family gathered around, a song I still hear in my head when we are far from each other, a song that gives me peace… Adam sang to me, and then he took his won woman! The next day he moved in with me and it felt absolutely natural. We were so happy! We started to walk our path together, hand in hand, a unit, belonging to each other… We were in love… delicious!!!

Then of course Dragons came in the way: Mine was to feel that it is too good to be true, I am too happy, this man is too awesome, I am going to ruin it somehow or something will happen, I shouldn’t allow myself to be so happy and in love, this is dangerous!!! Adam, in the face of adversity, was fighting to keep his heart open. The May Mythic Voyage was the trial of our relationship by fire, everything or nothing. I had to keep my trust no matter what happened, Adam had to fight all the voices trying to take his choices, his home and his heart away… But both of us, with the goal of happiness in mind, made the choices that made our hearts sing: we won!!! We came out of it more crazy about each other than ever, fully committed to our relationship, and wanting to be married as soon as possible, at home, in a symbolic wedding with all the family that had accompanied, supported and loved us since the beginning. Celebrate our joy and our mythic love together!

We chose May 23rd, the only day, before Adam had to leave for Alaska for 2 months work, where all the community would be together.

And then, oh my God!!! The dream!

We had gone to Tarapoto, Adam and I, to do various jobs and get a dress for me and a shirt for him. After going around the city, trying all the white dresses we found, Adam suggested that we go to a real wedding shop (!!!). We found one, with a very sweet old lady, we asked for something very simple. I didn’t want to look like a meringue and didn’t really trust the Peruvian taste in wedding dresses… She made one appear. I was still in disbelief, but Adam was encouraging, he liked it, and I went to try it. And then… I saw myself in the mirror: This is me?!!! I am a princess!!!! This is me! I am Cinderella going to the ball!!! I felt like in my little girl’s dreams, like the princesses I would draw again and again, like Romy Schneider in Sissi!!! I opened the curtain, and when Adam saw me, he knew that this was THE dress. I was glowing, I was so happy, I was in wonder at myself, swirling and laughing! Adam decided immediately to buy it, there where touch ups to be done, and again I was doubtful: will they be able to do this right so the dress really fits me like it should? The lady, who was taking tons of measures without writing any for many minutes just told me: “But you know, Miss, sometimes you need to trust!” She found the key word and I gave up all resistance! And Adam and her were right, we came the next morning to try the result, and it was prefect! We were both so happy leaving the shop, and the lady as well, moved by our enchantment! The emotion of seeing dreams come true, of making dreams come true… That’s what it’s all about!!!

THE day came. The family had planned everything in secret, just telling us to trust that they would do everything more than right. We couldn’t raise a finger in the preparation, the day was for the two of us to enjoy together, the only thing we knew was that at 6:00 pm, Adam had to be ready to go, and me at 6:20. And Koala, my maid of honor, would come at 4:00 pm to help me prepare, do my make-up and everything I would need to be the most beautiful bride in the history of humanity. It was our day, we were the stars. We could feel that all of them wanted to create amazing beauty and magic for us, that they were just as happy as we were, and it was their gift of love to make this day unforgettable for us in every way. They created a fairy tale wedding. Better than any movie.

After breakfast, we were told to disappear and stay around Okopua, the house where Kukuni, our room is. We just took a few minutes to gather a few plants and tools, we had planned to work on our garden in front of Kukuni. We then watched a movie, relaxed, cuddled…

It’s only when, at 4:oo, when Adam stood up to have a shower that it suddenly became real: we are getting MARRIED today!!! And I could feel butterflies, delicious butterflies, in my stomach. Koala quickly showed up, Adam left the room, and the transformation started. Koala was giving me all her love and skills, she was moved just like me… When it ended, I looked at myself in the mirror, and again my heart melted: I am a princess, a real princess. This is my princess wedding!!! Mathilda came to take pictures, they were thinking of everything, so present and available for me! The time came fast for Dorin to appear, he was my knight to lead me to the place of the ceremony. My heart was going faster and faster, I wanted to savor every second of this walk, could feel the emotion gathering as we were getting closer. When we took the path up to Chocopelli, when I saw the fire lanterns, the hundreds of petals on the floor, the big heart of flowers on the side, the bouquets on the rails… overwhelming love, I was trying hard not to cry already. We arrived at the top where the altar was set outside, in the middle of hundred white balloons, flowers, everybody gathered waiting for me… I couldn’t take it all in: Adam was there. All in white. Magical as well. Magnetic. I couldn’t detach my eyes from his, my heart from his. I didn’t want to. My man was there, my world was there. Mikis, sharing our emotion like everybody else, a bath of love, joy and gratitude connecting us all, started the ceremony. We said YES. Yes forever, for a lifetime, yes to trust, to guidance, to support, to nurture, to hold, to surrender, to feel each other, to share everything, to be one, yes to everything.

Pure happiness. Our hearts as one, our souls united.


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