A Mythic Voyage, Dancing Shipibo, and New Family Members
And so another Mythic Voyage has come to pass, bringing together an entirely multinational group of Argonauts who found love and oneness in each other despite their varied backgrounds and life stories. The June Argonauts inspired us with their bravery as each and every one of them faced their deepest fears and made new choices for their lives.
During two of our ceremonies, we were graced by Ruben, our head Maestro and the Shipibo Maestras, as they danced triumphantly during the final Icaros of the night. This m arks the first time in over seven years of working with the Shipibo that they have ever danced for us and we are beyond honored and grateful because it means that they truly respect and believe in the work we do here at Tierra Mitica.
As our new brothers and sisters head back out into their lives with a new sense of clarity and inspiration, two wanted to prolong their Mythic experience and asked to stay as volunteers. We are happy to welcome Wendy and Jake to our family as well as the musicality and enthusiasm they bring with them.