A Mythic Voyage with my father

A Mythic Voyage with my Father

Wow, what an experience to be hosting a Mythic Voyage workshop with my own father in it. After having my sister here for a workshop and what it did for us, fully healing our relationship and beyond from years of anger and resentment to be reunited again full of love for each other, I was still nervous and anxious for my father coming, not knowing what would come up and what would happen. It would be much more intense  and personal with him there.

The hosting team creates a bubble of safety, love, and care to serve the participants of the workshop. It is fully voluntary and a major spiritual exercise for those who choose it. The energy of the workshop amplifies feelings and stirs up the internal world for everyone. We are fully feeling the people and everything they are going through and feeling our own internal world and emotions as well. A beautiful experience we go through all of us together as a human family. A place where we are all challenged to push and go above and beyond to open our hearts, to be one with ourselves again, and with each other. A place where we become closer together than we ever have with anybody we’ve ever known in our lives and our blood families, seeing ourselves in each other and seeing that we are all the same and feel the same no matter who we are and  where we come from.

I was faced with feelings that I had suppressed and didn’t dare to feel for a long time. I truly saw and connected deeply with my father in a way I have never done before or knew how to do. I surprised myself. It was challenging at times to keep my heart open and feel my pain and the pain of my family from everything that had happened in the past. I also saw so many of my patterns and behaviors in him. I knew the the best thing to do was to be vulnerable and keep my heart open no matter what happens. Something that has been a big emotional block and the most challenging thing for me to do with my family. Something that felt impossible for me to do in the past. This was the first time I was truly real with him and was able to be fully open. He was having big resistance and was struggling throughout the workshop and I was fighting to not let it bring me down and go into anger, judgement, and mistrust. I knew that there was no better time to implement and practice the work we do here, everything we teach and show people in the workshops. To trust that no matter what happens everything is exactly as it should be and to put my happiness as my number one priority. To show myself and the others that it is possible because we have full choice and responsibility over our lives and our happiness. No matter how much resistance he had, he could not resist being in awe and proud of the woman that I have become, watching me in disbelief. I was the living proof of what is possible if one dares. seeing me living a love filled life of pride and happiness beyond any fairy tale right before his eyes. To see his once depressed and scared little girl now in her power and on top of the world living her dream life.

My father finally made a shift inside and for the first time there was hope in his eyes, that he too could live a beautiful life and dream again. He started to open up more and more and was moved by everything that was happening here. We laughed, we cried, we danced and sang together, the happiest we have ever been. He fell in love with my family and my home here in Tierra Mitica.

Through this experience, not only did I connect deeply with my father, but my heart opened deeper than ever feeling my mother, and a deep love for my family that I once had when I was a little girl. Something I had forgotten through out the ongoing fighting and anger between my parents many years after their divorce. My sister and I constantly forced to choose sides, feeling that to love one, we would betray the other. A life with all members of the family left in anger, resentment, and betrayal. To call it a broken family was an understatement. A time where nobody got along with anybody and none of us wanted to be a part of a family that was only a burden of darkness and mistrust. A family of closed hearts with forgotten love and pride where all hope of being united again was lost. Now I’m in awe of the changes happening with me and my relationship with my family. Just a year ago I couldn’t imagine that my relationship would be where it is with my father, my mother and my sister. That my heart would open to feel their hearts with mine. I feel proud to have them as my family, for everything that we have been through together, and the courage of our hearts to open up again, because there is no greater challenge and courage than of the heart.

 I find myself in awe of the work we do here, moving at a super human speed towards our greatness, with my Tierra Mitican family. It doest matter how much we explain it to others until they come here and are blown away by what they see and feel within moments of arrival.
I’m seeing in front of my eyes and experiencing it for myself the power and greatness of humanity, their hearts and capabilities.
I am beyond grateful for my life. I can dream again knowing that all my dreams can and already are coming true. I stand proud of the life I have made for myself, of who I am, of my family and my home. I can see the beauty of life and say over and over again that magic does exist!