Does God exist?

Does God Exist?

Here is a clear, scientific and spiritual answer that is congruent not only with all current scientific theories but also with every spiritual belief system:

In every religion or spiritual practice, God is represented as one, something encompassing everything, an entity of infinite (absolute) knowledge, infinite (absolute) power thus infinite choice. But in our universe, which works on a quantum level under the law of probability, nothing absolute exists. There is no absolute void, for example, because every probability however minute, always exists. Things can tend to be absolute, but they can never reach it. In accordance to this, the concept of God, the all powerful, all knowing entity, can be approached but never actually reached. “Almost God” can exist, God for all intents and purposes, but not absolute God.

Another reason for this is the danger of perfection. Something absolutely perfect cannot change or evolve, because any change would render it less than perfect. Something that actually achieved absolute perfection would suffer a fate worse than death; it would be inanimate, like a flower encased in transparent plastic, destined to never change lest it loses its perfection. Life is change, constant change and something unchanging is neither alive nor dead. It is inanimate.

Scientists now overwhelmingly agree on the Big Bang theory, where the universe started as a singularity, a black hole where everything was compressed into “one”, and then it blew up into practically infinite pieces, first under the extreme heat of the explosion forming hydrogen and helium clouds and gradually, as it expanded with tremendous speed and force outwards, cooling enough for particles to start forming and combining into chemical elements, following the law of the universe that everything wants to be one with, to join, and if given the right conditions, it will. Thus, in a material, physical and scientific sense as well as a spiritual sense everything started to join together despite the enormous force taking it apart, forming asteroids, planets, solar systems, galaxies etc., fulfilling its destiny to be one, the very definition of God. If you have a giant Pacman board (like the video game), each one of the Pacmans following a simple law that if they see another Pacman they eat it and become one with it, given full choice even to avoid or try to hide from each other, given infinite time, they will. “In the end there shall be only one” is the motto of the movie the Highlander where immortal warriors spent millennia killing each other and absorbing the other’s energy when they meet. It is obviously inevitable that given time there can be only one left.

The ever faster expanding universe (although scientific data- disputed by some- indicates that its rate of acceleration is decreasing since the beginning of time) still allows for its elements to become more and more “one with” and we now have several black holes sucking through gravitational force all cosmic matter in their vicinity, sometimes entire planets and solar systems. Every time they do that, their mass increases and thus their gravitational pull, and with it their ability to draw and swallow objects further away. Thus it is inevitable, whether the acceleration of expansion of the universe is decreasing (meaning that inevitably the universe will stop accelerating thus eventually start decelerating its expansion until it starts contracting) or not, inevitably one black hole will swallow another, growing its mass and therefore its gravitational pull exponentially, and then another until once again all will be one again, one black hole containing all that was before the universe. A single thing. One. A singularity, the very definition of God. Almost. Because an infinitesimal amount of time before it actually achieves that, it will blow up again into almost infinite pieces to perform the cycle again and again.

Why? On a scientific level, because nothing absolute can exist, quantum physics proves that every probability exists and if everything is united in “One”, then the probability of something that is apart is always there, thus making the absolute one impossible, or rather a minute, momentary probability as small as the probability of a singularity within a singularity.

On a spiritual level, imagine a future millions or even billions of years from now, where all beings in the universe are united through a common government, culture and belief systems, were there is no longer war, crime, disagreement etc. and through collaboration science has reached the abilities of spinning astral bodies through nuclear explosions or other technologies, introducing atmospheres and terraforming asteroids, and creating the right conditions for life to exist, the ability to create biological bodies, artificial intelligence and even life itself, or the prerequisites for it. We would then be all united, godlike and with the tendency to be evolving into more godlike all the time. Human history displays this tendency conclusively on every possible level. Nomadic, solitary hunter gatherers united inevitably into families, tribes, villages, cities, feudal states, countries, empires and then the EU, United States of America, China and eventually government of the earth and later of galaxies. Cultures, races, languages and traditions are constantly uniting and combining, either becoming one with through choice and love or through conquering, absorbing, dominating, devouring and assimilating. The process is inevitable. Uniting into one is our path towards the divine, oneness.

If we actually come close to achieving oneness however, we will be getting close to perfection, thus the danger to become inanimate, unchanging. There will be no movies, no theater, no drama and everything will be slow, boring, stagnant. We will be unable to play any kind of game with enthusiasm and there would be no passion and very little evolution, no gossip and no news. Boring!

It would be inevitable that we would realize that our universe would eventually contract and our descendants would be squashed into a black hole of virtual nonexistence, and even worse billions of years of utter boredom. So, it would be equally inevitable that we would search in order to find something worthwhile to occupy us, and that could only be designing the next big bang. Why? because with every big bang the probability of a slightly different universe would exist, same as with every breath our hair, our nails, our skins, our organs, our chemistry and the rest of our being, grow or change imperceptibly. With every inhalation and with every exhalation we are slightly different, the very definition of something alive. Each big bang is an exhalation; each contraction an inhalation. Each time a tiny bit different. Evolving. The universe is the breath of God, each consecutive universe a cycle of breath.

Does God exist? As a concept, yes. As a reality, almost, and for an infinitesimal measure of time only. As a potentiality and a tendency and direction of creation, absolutely. This is congruent with all aspects of any type of spirituality, where the divine is oneness, it is in every one of us, in every leaf, grain of sand or creature and the built in law of everything: Everything wants to be one with, to unite, from people and animals and from single cell organisms to complex multi cell creatures such as humans, evolution obeys the law of union. Where is God? blown up into almost infinite pieces trying to reunite, existing only as a potentiality. And what are we, as humans? Parts of the divine and gods in our adolescence, in a previous stage of our evolution. Like every teenager, dirty, negative, rebellious, throwing our clothes and food on the floor, polluting and fighting among each other.

Why is this good news? First, because of the inevitability of our divine destiny. No matter how much we fight, no matter how much we destroy or turn against each other, we cannot fuck it up. We are destined to be one. Even if we nuke the planet, eventually the radiation would dissipate and given billions of years, life would emerge once more, gradually evolving, coming together into complex multi cell organisms with intelligence to create complex social and governing systems, uniting ever more. The only thing we can fuck up is our own happiness.

Do you have a better, more glorious theory? I would love to hear it!

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