Excursion to Ayashikayu falls

Excursion to Ayashikayu falls

Sequestered from TierraMitica by the torrential rains that should have stopped some time ago, we take the opportunity for some interesting excursions in this amazingly beautiful region of high cloud jungle.

Ahuashikayu waterfall- what a sight!

Ahuashikayu waterfall- what a sight!

One of them was to the Ahuashiyaku waterfall for a swim; Tucked away in the densely vegetated hills above the city, the Ahuashiyacu Waterfall is Tarapoto’s most famous attraction. The towering waterfall plunges through the jungle into a chilly pool, accessible via a picturesque walkway that winds its way from the nearby road.

A paradise of thunderous sounds, jungle smells and powerful beauty

A paradise of thunderous sounds, jungle smells and powerful beauty

The legend has it that a local leader, not wanting others to enjoy his daughter’s beauty, had a witchdoctor change her into a tranquil stream. However, the witchdoctor, not wanting to deprive others of the beauty of the maiden, changed her into the Ahuashiyacu falls.

Benjamin and Mikis swimming at the pool while the waterfall sprays them with wet wind

Benjamin and Mikis swimming at the pool while the waterfall sprays them with wet wind