La Mente, the World’s First Truly Collective Art Project

The World's First Truly Collective Art Project La Mente, Documentary

 Our hearts are bursting with love and pride for our family at TierraMitica who all pushed ourselves beyond what we believed possible to collectively build this amazing sculpture over the past 5 months; and to our family and friends, visionary artists and painters from all over the world, who came for the 4th Mythic Party to paint it with us!

La Mente (The Mind) is a giant brain, sculpted to the theme of conception. A giant sculpture on the outside and a recording studio on the inside - completely painted inside and out by us and our family and friends during the Mythic Party!

This video explores what the real meaning of COLLECTIVE ART is, and how art brought together this group of people in just five days! 

Amazing things are happening here at TierraMitica and with our brand new recording studio there are even more amazing things to come. Collective art is rapidly building momentum so stay tuned for exponentially greater and greater pieces of collective art to come.