Exploring TierraMitica Part 2: Road to the first and second field
From the waterfall, our journey continued towards the Great Tree, and to discover some of the innumerable treasures of TierraMitica. The Great Tree (it doesn't have a name yet) is overlooking TierraMitica right at the top of the mountain and is so much bigger than anything else in the whole mountain range that it can be clearly seen from 39 kms away in Tarapoto; He is our grandfather energy, our guardian and our proud stance- we need to feel its energy up close!
We returned to the road, and began to climb the mountain's slope again.
After a time we entered the jungle and took the path to the first field (or flat area).
This field is amazing, a clearing on top of a hill overlooking the ancient and majestic Andes.
This could be a site for a meditation and yoga platform, a secluded space for those doing a private dieta or even the Ayahuasca ceremonies (Click here to read about Ayahuasca and The mythic voyage)
After this we walked through these amazing canopies of trees hanging over the path.
This was on the smooth old, unused road once more.
The view from the second field is just as beautiful as the first. Even more can be seen as it is from a higher view point. We are looking for the best locations for the Mythic Voyage "boat" village, for Bungalows and homes, for Yoga and meditation and everything else that will appear and unite itself with our ever evolving vision for TierraMitica. Keep looking- more news to come!!